Monday, May 13, 2013

A New Season Begins!

It's Spring!  The days are getting longer, if not much warmer.  The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing... And it's time for me to get my ass moving again.  

In fairness, I did do a bit of running during the Winter.  There were a smattering of early morning or weekend runs here and there.  I did manage to complete the Tar Heel 10 Miler in April. But I mostly took the time off.  

I realized belatedly that in my post Ramblin' Rose euphoria  I had signed up to do an early April half.  That did not happen.  Luckily, I was able to defer that registration to the Fall race.  October 6, I will be doing my second half marathon - the Run Raleigh Half.  

So now I have a target and a deadline.  Time to get cracking.

This year I officially joined the Raleigh Galloway Running club.  I really like the approach of this group - it's very chill, and the run-walk-run interval training works really well for my novice runner body and my achy creaky hips, ankles and feet.  For more information about the Galloway run-walk-run method, check this out.

For the kickoff event this past weekend, Mr. Jeff Galloway himself made an appearance.  This is a guy who has been running for years and years - runs more marathons that I go to religious services, and has coached nearly a million runners (directly and indirectly).  And yet, the way he spoke about running made it feel like anyone could do the things he has.  I found that to be quite inspiring.  

As I embark on the new season, I have experience behind me that says I can do it.  Now I'm ready to see that I can do it - even better, faster, more efficiently and without lapsing.  Let's get to it!
