Wednesday, March 30, 2016


May 2015

He staggered up to the reservoir
Could smell the water on the other side.
Knew it was there
Desired it desperately.

Only a trickle dribbled out
From a seam here and there.

He spoke softly to the wall - asking it to yield its water.
When that failed, he yelled at it.  Beat it with his fists.
Kicked it so hard he injured himself.
But the water would not flow.

He found a sledgehammer and swung hard.
Once, twice, three times.
Frantic, furious.

The trickle became a dribble, but still
His thirst was too great.
His will too weak.
He staggered off to seek a second source.

As soon as his step receded into the distance
There was a crack.
Each place the hammer had struck began to crack.
Each impact, a crater.
Each crater the center of a web
Each crack in the web began to spread.

The wall -once so impenetrable - suddenly gave way!
Water - sweet water - fresh, crisp, pure -
Poured forth in endless supply.
Quenching and cool - plentiful and refreshing.

But he had shuffled on.
Still parched.
Still seeking.
Never looking back.

Bon Voyage

May 2015

Here by this river, I release you.
At one time we stood here together, but not together.
That day I was clinging to you so tightly - as if you were my lifeline.
This day, I am alone - further downstream - and here by my own power.

Here I release you into the flowing waters.
You must navigate your own course, just as I have mine.
As I release you, I blow a gentle breeze of love into your sails.
I wish you calm waters and a clear path.

Bon voyage.
This river flows one way, so I know this is the end.
Bon voyage.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


My whole life I've been a maker.

I make plans
Make progress
Make sense.

I make ends meet
Make a living
Can make a meal that will make you moan

With one hand, I hold up a household.  With the other, I run the world.
I.  Am.  Mighty.

You need something?
I can make a suggestion.
Make you laugh
Maybe even make your day.

When it needs to happen, I can make a move.
Make a decision.
Make changes.

I can organize, classify, and evaluate the options.
I.  Am.  Resourceful.

But let me make a point.
And please Make no mistake
I have found some things that I just can't make.

When I make an attempt to
Make those things happen,
I seem to always make a mess.

See, I can't make a heart open.
Can make time speed up.
Can't make anyone make room for me.

I can wish.  I can wait.  I can want.
None of that seems to make any difference.  I can make no excuse.
I.  Am.  Powerless.

So rather than making time,
Or playing at make believe,
I choose to make myself a promise.

I will make a resolution
To make myself some space
Not to make
But rather just
To be.