Sunday, April 26, 2009

Waking Up Again

Well, I'm finally waking up from my 4 month coma... With the stress of getting National Boards completed, multiple Grad school projects, and the death of my grandfather, I have been decidedly not myself these past 4 months. That ends today. Or maybe tomorrow. I have a few loose ends to tie up and then...

It's a little scary how quickly the good habits I had established can vanish when I get out of my routine. One minute I am logging all my WW Points faithfully and walking every afternoon, the next I'm scarfing Oreos and spending yet another night sitting in front of the computer! However, I find solace in knowing that my "bad" days now would have been a "good" day two years ago. It's all about forward motion, right?

So as I close the book on this particularly odd chapter of the story of my life, I reflect on the things I learned, the experiences I had and the changes they both inspired. While it's a big bunch of no fun to be in limbo, the lessons learned can be valuable. At least, that is what I have decided to tell myself. Onward and upward!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Young Jedi Birthday Party

So today was The Boy's big 6th birthday party. We had 9 guests, ages ranging from 9 to 3. Boy, did we have fun! As the kids arrived, we gave them their Padawan uniform (V-necked t-shirts tied at the waist with twine). Once all the guests were assembled, they received some training in the handling of weapons and in the treatment of their fellows padawans. Then they got their light sabers!! (1/2 inch PVC tension couplings spray painted silver with half a pool noodle over 2 ft of PVC pipe.) The kids had a great time sparring with each other. They tried their hand at whacking a Darth Vader pinata before the read Vader (Daddy-o in all black and a Vader mask) showed up to duel with each young Jedi. After recovering, everyone came back in for food. Snacks included light side and dark side chips (white corn and blue corn) and dip (guacamole and salsa), pretzel light sabers (pretzel rods dipped in red and green colored chocolate), and Yoda Soda. Even the cake had a light and dark side - half chocolate, half vanilla!

Finally, the kids took turns attempting to destroy the Death Star - a chalk drawing on our driveway, obliterated with water balloons! Then it was present time and free play until everyone went home. A fun time was had by all. Best of all, it was chee-eap!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Complete Day 2

So 2 weeks after getting through Day 1, I made it completely through Day 2 of the Couch 2 5K workout. Not to say that I haven't tried. This was my fourth attempt to do so. The first, I was out with The Boy and The Girl. Little Miss was just too fussy, so we stopped halfway. Attempt 2 was last Saturday, when I grossly underestimated how much time I had before a meeting and ended up having to run home and shower in 5 minutes before my ride came to get me. I would have completed it Thursday PM, but my itchy finger on the shuffle interrupted the program on my iPhone. But today, today was the day! I'm feeling good! Jumped on the scale and was down a whopping 2.4 pounds. I'm sure that will evaporate before weigh in tomorrow, but hey! It makes me feel good when I see it.

Today's Playlist was all about the GIRL POWER!
Beautiful Stranger - Madonna
Helter Skelter - The Beatles
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
Don't Get Me Wrong - The Pretenders
Bitch - Meredith Brooks
Go - Indigo Girls
Peace Tonight - Indigo Girls
Unbelievable - EMF
Peace Be Upon Us - Sheryl Crow

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Make It Through Day 1!!

So, I have been trying to work up the courage to try running. I downloaded the helpful little C25K app for my iPhone, made the playlist, bought new shoes and a cute outfit. I was ready.

The plan was Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. So, I put on my little ear buds and take off. The first time the little guy in the app says, "Run," I take a deep breath and... I just did it. I was totally living the Nike commercial!! The alternating between running and walking was perfect. Just when I felt like I couldn't go anymore, it was time to walk. I'm feeling strong, powerful and tired. Go me!

Today's Playlist:
Too Hot to Stop - The Bar-Kays
We Didn't Start the Fire - Billy Joel
Labels or Love - Fergie
Not The Doctor - Alanis Morrisette
Paperback Writer - The Beatles
You Learn - Alanis Morrisette
Walk this Way - Run-D.M.C.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - The Beatles
Manic Monday - The Bangles


So I am working on the Couch to 5K training plan featured at I don't know what I decided to do this, other than the fact that I'm tired of walking all the time. I tried to start 10 days ago, but promptly strained my Achilles tendon on the second day. I'm glad that happened, as I learned two very important lessons.
  1. Rest on rest days! I didn't get through the whole workout on my first try, and I was eager to get going, so I ran two days in a row. If you're not a runner (as I am NOT), that is not a good idea.
  2. Heel toe is the way to go! I found while hobbling around that if I stride heel first, things don't hurt as bad. So I've been learning how to walk all over again.
  3. I like exercising! Ok, this is perhaps the most stunning of all my recent discoveries. I've never been much of an athlete. I started walking regularly about 4 months ago, and I have found that I miss it when I don't do it. I'm still a little dumbfounded by this discovery.
Anyway, here I am. Embarking on a new journey. Hopefully by writing about this, I will stay motivated to move my ass!