Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Big Day! Ramblin' Rose Half Marathon - October 21, 2013

On Sunday, I competed my first half marathon!  It was quite an experience - with a ridiculously hilly course.  http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/107243007/
 There were about 1500 participants, so of course the line for the port-a-potties was super long.  It was a nice chance for a photo op, though!  Note my pink sparkle skirt.  That was a special purchase for this race, though I'm thinking it's going to make many more appearances!  

We were one of the last folks to get started, but that was ok with us.  The weather was perfect; a crisp fall morning. warming up to a pleasant 70 degrees.  The sun had that golden glow that only seems to happen on October mornings.   Here's one of those ridiculous hills.  

I wish I could say this was the worst of them.  Unfortunately, that would not be accurate.  I also wish I could say that once we got past the halfway mark it got easier, but these hills came in miles 8-13.  I really think someone was trying to kill us!

Coming into the home stretch, I felt so happy and relieved.  I thought that I'd experienced all the surprises this race had to offer.  But as I approached the finish, I heard a pair of little voices yell, "Go Mommy!  Go!"  The Boy and The Girl came running out to cross the finish line with me.  Considering that I didn't think they would be there, that was THE highlight of the race.  (I take back all the junk I was talking about the Husband in the last few weeks.)  Final race time was 2:51:42.  

The end of the race was a blur.  My dear friend Karen was there cheering me on, and there were many photos. 

 On the whole this was an amazing experience.  I never dreamed I would be posting about finishing a
half marathon.  It has been such an incredible journey, and the best part about it is all the support I've gotten from my Facebook folks.  So many people have mentioned following my progress and offered encouragement.  It really kept me going, and I'm sincerely grateful for all the love you've shown.

And the journey's not over...  I just signed up for RunRaleigh on April 14, 2013.  I'm going to work on picking up speed, and finally making it to my goal weight.  Stay tuned!  There are more adventures to come.

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