Monday, June 11, 2018

Helpful Tips on Dating Without Commitment

Have you ever had a friend who just needs a little advice?  You can see them making the same mistakes over and over again, and you feel like they could benefit from just a wee bit of coaching?  I've been single a long time, dating as a single mom.  I've seen some stuff.  I have also learned a lesson or two.  So, for you my friend, I offer a helpful guide to dating without commitment.

  • DO be honest about where you are and what you want.  Always.  A person who cannot accept your conditions needs to have the right to opt out before things get too hairy.  
  • DON'T involve the children.  To many single parents, introducing their kids is a big step toward commitment.  Involving them sends a very mixed message, and it's not good for the kids.  
  • DO text silly things about your day, but keep it generic.  If she asks, keep your answers surface level.  Confide in your friends or your therapist, not your fuck buddy.
  • DON'T make future plans.  Anything beyond a 30-day horizon is a big no-no.  He needs to know he cannot depend on you for anything beyond a good time.
  • DO be prepared to spend a lot of money.  Dating isn't cheap, and you are really going to have to dazzle her with fun experiences to compensate for your emotional unavailability.
  • DON'T attend any holiday celebrations or participate in her family traditions.  Integration into her social circle is reserved for people who are invested.  Know your place.
  • DO be honest with yourself.  There are a limited number of quality people out there.  A smaller percentage of those will tolerate this kind of foolishness.  Keep your expectations low.  Get good at pleasuring yourself, because you're going to be alone a lot.

I hope you find this helpful!  Dating can be perilous, but by following these simple guidelines, you can 

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