Sunday, April 26, 2009

Waking Up Again

Well, I'm finally waking up from my 4 month coma... With the stress of getting National Boards completed, multiple Grad school projects, and the death of my grandfather, I have been decidedly not myself these past 4 months. That ends today. Or maybe tomorrow. I have a few loose ends to tie up and then...

It's a little scary how quickly the good habits I had established can vanish when I get out of my routine. One minute I am logging all my WW Points faithfully and walking every afternoon, the next I'm scarfing Oreos and spending yet another night sitting in front of the computer! However, I find solace in knowing that my "bad" days now would have been a "good" day two years ago. It's all about forward motion, right?

So as I close the book on this particularly odd chapter of the story of my life, I reflect on the things I learned, the experiences I had and the changes they both inspired. While it's a big bunch of no fun to be in limbo, the lessons learned can be valuable. At least, that is what I have decided to tell myself. Onward and upward!

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