Saturday, February 21, 2015

Crazy Cat Lady

I'm not quite there yet, but I see the allure.

Soft, silky, warm and purring
These creatures bring me so much solace.

The one - affectionate.  In my lap constantly
Demanding a chin rub and then
So grateful to get it.

The other - more reserved, more selective.
When she deigns to approach
It is with bright eyes and sweet face
And I feel I've really earned something.

Both keep me tethered with their physicality
Their need to be fed, watered, scooped, adored.

Each is unapologetically herself.

You can learn much about boundaries
Watching a cat.

How to warn the encroacher with a low growl.
How to escape the interloper with a hiss and a scamper.
How to enforce the limits with tooth or claw if necessary.

And once balance is restored,
All is forgiven.

"You may pet me again."

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