Saturday, February 21, 2015


February 2, 2015

I was asleep when you came into my life. Not like Sleeping Beauty - who docilely waited for her prince. No. I was a sleepwalker - moving constantly forward, but without purpose. Going through the motions, but completely unaware.

See, a sleepwalker just accepts what's put in front of her. She doesn't question. Doesn't make demands. A sleepwalker can't make decisions about the direction she goes in. She goes one way until she bumps into something, and then shuffles off in another direction. Sleepwalkers are aimless wanderers.

I was asleep when you found me, and you awakened me - but not with a kiss.

It was with cold water and a shake that you pulled me out of my slumber. And I loved you for it. So happy to have my eyes open, I forgave the manner.

But you didn't have to be so rough.
I was a light sleeper and was ready to be awakened.
And once I was roused, I didn't need to be doused with that frigid water continually.

I'm fully awake now. You can stop shaking me.

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