Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh, Right. THIS is why mornings stink...

This morning was more like normal.  I was in bed by 9:30 (a lovely new habit!) and asleep and dreaming happily when a shriek cut through the night.  "Mommy!  MOMmy!  MOOOOMMMMMMYYYYY!!!!"  I leapt out of bed and ran to the girl's room.  She was sound asleep.  Into the boy's room I go, where he is completely freaked out by a nightmare.

Now at this point I have a choice: I can sit by his bed until he sleeps or I can bring him into my bed.  Since I'm about to drop from exhaustion, I choose the latter.  He climbs in and, as all children somehow manage to do, he expands to 600x his normal size, taking up every spare inch of space on my side of the bed.  Dear husband is sleeping soundly and doesn't budge.  So for the next 5 hours, I play contortionist - trying to find a position to sleep in that A) doesn't wake the boy, B) keeps at least 80% of my body on the bed and C) doesn't hurt.  I have limited success.

So, needless to say, there was no power Pilates this morning.  I did manage to make my smoothie to take with me to work.  But I have a feeling it's going to be a looooong day.  Pass the coffee, please.

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